MongoDB Vs HBase: The Head to Head Comparison for a Better Choice

MongoDB India
3 min readJul 2, 2021

We talk a lot about technology, increasing penetration of applications, adoptions of the latest software, and more.

No doubt, all such things are necessary to adapt to changing times and to stay ahead of the competition.

Equally important is to scale up internal functionings like structuring and adopting a more spacious and robust database.

In general, the in-house database system of an organization has a limited scope of growth, agility, and scalability. On the other side, you can meet diverse storage requirements using a non-relational database like MongoDB or HBase.

Thus, to let you make the best choice, we have come up with this end-to-end comparison of MongoDB vs HBase.

Over here, our main points of comparison discussion are based on the following few points.

* What is MongoDB?

* What is HBase?

* Key Difference Between MongoDB and HBase

* Final Verdict

After the discussion, you will get an idea as to whether to go for HBase or avail of MongoDB development services from a leading database partner.

So, let’s get started on this.

What is MongoDB?

MongoDB is an open-source non-relational database developed by MongoDB, Inc. It stores the data documents in binary representation which is better known as BSON (Binary JSON).

With non-relational, it means storing a large chunk of application information in a non-tabular form. Unlike the constraints available in a relational database in which you need to store information in the table and structurize the same accordingly. Just like for a retail platform, it requires to store customer’s name and details in one table and details of the order on another table. And, every time, you add something to the relational database, you ought to make changes in the central storage system.

On the other side, MongoDB is a non-relational database that does not require you to structurize the information. It is a NoSQL database in which documents are self-describing. Under this, if a new field is added to the DB, then it does not affect the functioning of other documents.

What is HBase?

HBase is also a non-relational and open-source database model which is a wide column inspired by Google BigTable. The column-oriented database model runs on top of the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). It provides a fault-tolerant way of storing sparse data sets. This database is well-suited for real-time data processing or random read/write access to a large volume of data.

Features of HBase

* Add any number of columns at any point in time.

* It offers an automatic failover feature that allows a system administrator to automatically switch data handling to a standby position.

* It features a sparse, persistent, distributed, multidimensional sorted map.

* It an ideal platform for storing and retrieving data with random access.

Key Differences Between the Two Databases

There are few factors based on which, we will be comparing MongoDB and HBase database models.

* Query Model: In MongoDB, the query model offers different kinds of projections, filtering, and aggregate functions. On the other side, HBase has a key-value printing for data.

* Text Search: MongoDB provides a native feature of text indexes and three nodes namely primary, secondary, and one for replication. Talking about HBase, it has data replicated for a search engine and provides 10 nodes for region servers, masters, standby name nodes, data nodes, and zookeepers.

* Partitioning: In MongoDB, you can use hash, zone sharing, and range as partitioning. HBase uses the only hashing technique.

* Backup & Recovery: With the MongoDB database model, you will get Ops Manager and Atlas consistent for timely backups and sharded clusters. HBase takes snapshots of data every 60 seconds on each node of the cluster.

Which One is Superior the Above?

Both MongoDB and HBase have their own set of advantages and limitations. You can avail HBase that keeps the data in the form of key-value pair and has a high volume of data.

On the other side, Hire MongoDB developers use this model where the user wants to track the behaviour of the user on the application.

Final Verdict

Learn more about the MongoDB database model, if you want to store non-relational form of data in any form. Simply get in touch with MongoDBIndia, which is a leading MongoDB development company that offers you complete assistance, technical guidance, and service.

